My publications

Top 3 cited papers (Based on Google Scholar profile)

Title Cited Year
Effing, R., van Hillegersberg, J., & Huibers, T. (2011). Social Media and Political Participation: Are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Democratizing Our Political Systems? In E. Tambouris, A. Macintosh, & H. de Bruijn (Eds.), Electronic Participation (Vol. 6847, pp. 25–35). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Retrieved from 445 2011
Effing, R., & Spil, A.A.M. (2016). The Social Strategy Cone: Towards a Framework for Evaluating Social Media Strategies. International Journal of Information Management, 36. Forthcoming 189 2016
Effing, R., & Groot, B. P. (2016). Social Smart City: Introducing Digital and Social Strategies for Participatory Governance in Smart Cities. In H. J. Scholl, M. Janssen, M. Wimmer, & E. Tambouris (Eds.), EGOV 2016 (IFIP, Lecture Notes of Computer Science) (pp. 241–252). Guimarães, Portugal: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. 53 2012

List of publications by Year


Cornelissen P., Effing R. & Spil T.A.M. (2019). Care About Your Customer: A Use and Gratification Study Regarding Co-creation and Customer Engagement on Facebook. In: Pappas I., Mikalef P., Dwivedi Y., Jaccheri L., Krogstie J., Mäntymäki M. (eds) Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century. I3E 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11701. Springer.

Evertzen W.H.N., Effing R. & Constantinides E. (2019). The Internet of Things as Smart City Enabler: The Cases of Palo Alto, Nice and Stockholm. In: Pappas I., Mikalef P., Dwivedi Y., Jaccheri L., Krogstie J., Mäntymäki M. (eds) Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century. I3E 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11701. Springer.

Ten Berg K., Spil, T.A.M. & Effing R. (2019) The Privacy Paradox of Utilizing the Internet of Things and Wi-Fi Tracking in Smart Cities. In: Dwivedi Y., Ayaburi E., Boateng R., Effah J. (eds) ICT Unbounded, Social Impact of Bright ICT Adoption. TDIT 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 558. Springer.


Effing, R., Spil, T., Both, M., & Ogbuji, B. (2018). Digital Future [pre-release mvp 3.0]. Retrieved from

Groot, B.P., Effing R. & Veenstra M.J.A. (2018). Urban Media Trends for Enabling Citizen Participation in Urban Planning: Old Wine in New Barrels?. In: Edelmann N., Parycek P., Misuraca G., Panagiotopoulos P., Charalabidis Y., Virkar S. (eds) Electronic Participation. ePart 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11021. Springer.


Spil T.A.M., Effing R & Kwast J. (2017). Smart City Participation: Dream or Reality? A Comparison of Participatory Strategies from Hamburg, Berlin & Enschede. In: Kar A. et al. (eds) Digital Nations – Smart Cities, Innovation, and Sustainability, IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10595. Springer.


Effing, R., & Groot, B. P. (2016). Social Smart City: Introducing Digital and Social Strategies for Participatory Governance in Smart Cities. In H. J. Scholl, M. Janssen, M. Wimmer, & E. Tambouris (Eds.), EGOV 2016 (IFIP, Lecture Notes of Computer Science) (pp. 241–252). Guimarães, Portugal: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.

Spil, T. A. M., Effing, R., & Both, M. P. (2016). Enable, Engage and Evaluate: Introducing the 3E Social Media Strategy Canvas Based on the European Airline Industry. In K. Y. Dwivedi, M. Mäntymäki, M. N. Ravishankar, M. Janssen, M. Clement, L. E. Slade, … C. A. Simintiras (Eds.), Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: 15th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2016, Swansea, UK, September 13–15, 2016, Proceedings (pp. 15–30). inbook, Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Effing, R., & Spil, A.A.M. (2016). The Social Strategy Cone: Towards a Framework for Evaluating Social Media Strategies. International Journal of Information Management, 36. Forthcoming.

Effing, R., Van Hillegersberg, J., & Huibers, T.W.C. (2016). Social Media Indicator and Local Elections in the Netherlands: Towards a Framework for Evaluating the Influence of Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. In M. Z. Sobaci (Ed.), Social Media and Local Governments SE – 15 (Vol. 15, pp. 281–298). Springer International Publishing.


Effing, R. (2014, November 12). The social media participation framework: studying the effects of social media on nonprofit communities. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. Retrieved from


Effing, R., Holtslag, J., Ten Klooster, A., Vonhögen, R., Wieringa, A., Wielstra, S.,, Huibers, T.W.C., Van Hillegersberg, J. (2013). De sociale netwerk kerk. (R. Effing, Ed.). Utrecht: Uitgeverij Kok.

Effing, R. (2013). Kerk in verbinding: op weg naar een sociale netwerkkerk. Internationaal Katholiek Tijdschrift Communio, 38(3), 295–306. Retrieved from

Effing, R. (2013). Social Media Strategy Design. In 2nd Scientific Conference Information Science in an Age of Change, Insitute of Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw, 2013. Warsaw. Retrieved from

Effing, R., Van Hillegersberg, J., & Huibers, T. W. C. (2013). Social Media Participation and Local Politics: A Case Study of the Enschede Council in the Netherlands. In Electronic Participation: 5th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart 2013 (pp. 57–68).

Withaar, R., Ribeiro, G., & Effing, R. (2013). The Social Media Indicator 2: Towards a Software Tool for Measuring the Influence of Social Media. In ePart 2013 – Informatik 2013 16, Koblenz. Trauner AG. Retrieved from


Effing, R., Hillegersberg, J., & Huibers, T. W. C. (2012). Measuring the Effects of Social Media Participation on Political Party Communities. In C. G. Reddick & S. K. Aikins (Eds.), Web 2.0 Technologies and Democratic Governance (Vol. 1, pp. 201–217). Springer New York. Retrieved from

Effing, R., Huibers, T., De Krosse, L., & Brandenburg, S. (2012). Social media en politiek: de waarheid achterhaald. Enschede. Retrieved from


Effing, R., van Hillegersberg, J., & Huibers, T. (2011). Social Media and Political Participation: Are Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Democratizing Our Political Systems? In E. Tambouris, A. Macintosh, & H. de Bruijn (Eds.), Electronic Participation (Vol. 6847, pp. 25–35). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Retrieved from

Effing, R., Huibers, T. W. C., & De Krosse, L. (2011). Social Media en Provinciale statenverkiezingen: Digital Divide. Enschede. Retrieved from


Effing, R. (2010). Internet als middel voor gemeenschapsopbouw. Rk Kerk, 3. Retrieved from

Effing, R. (2010). Leiderschap met social media : do’s and don’ts. Management Executive, (December), 38–41.

Effing, R. (2010). Social media: veel verdiend, veel verspild. Automatisering Gids, (12), 100.

Effing, R. (2010). Social media: veel verdiend, veel verspild. IT-Infra (SDU).

Effing, R., Huibers, T. W. C., & De Krosse, L. (2010). Social media en politiek: Gelijke middelen, gelijke macht? Enschede. Retrieved from

De Krosse, L., Huibers, T. W. C., & Effing, R. (2010). Als je vrienden hebt dan win je. Enschede. Retrieved from


Effing, R. (2009). Sociale netwerk sites als middel voor gemeenschapsopbouw in de Rooms Katholieke Kerk. Fontys Hogeschool. Retrieved from

Effing, R. (2008). Bang voor consumenten, User-generated content betekent niet dat gebruikers de spelregels bepalen. Automatisering Gids, (april), 20–21.

Effing, R., & Holsheimer, M. (2008, January). Het semantische web: De kunst van het begrijpen. Kluwer Management Tools, 36–39.

Effing, R., & Holsheimer, M. (2008, February). Web TV: Nog nooit was het web zo beeldvullend! Kluwer Management Tools, 42–45.

Effing, R., & Holsheimer, M. (2007, May). Online communities. Kluwer Management Tools, 14–17.

Effing, R., & Van Drunen. (2006). Digitale dienstverlening bij gemeenten Wat kunnen we van hen leren? In E-Commerce Handboek. Weka.

Effing, R., & Lammers, K. (2005). De ideale e-gemeente. Kluwer Management Tools, 26–29.

Effing, R., & Lammers, K. (2005). Voorhoedegemeenten moeten de rest op sleeptouw nemen. Automatisering Gids, (13), 2005.

Voogd, M., & Effing, R. (2005). Van lokale website naar regionale kennisorganisatie. Kluwer Management Tools, 34–37.

Feel free to contact me if you have any requests, remarks or questions based on these publications.